The Lynbrook Public Schools Board of Education held its regular meeting on Jan. 11, during which the district’s next superintendent, current Assistant Superintendent for Finance, Operations and Information Systems, Dr. Paul Lynch, was appointed.
Board President Mr. William Belmont thanked Superintendent Dr. Melissa Burak for her decades of service to the district. He announced the resolution that, once approved by the board, made Dr. Lynch the next leader of the district effective June 30. Board members also shared congratulatory remarks.
Dr. Burak recounted when Dr. Lynch was the ideal candidate to join the administration team as Assistant Superintendent for Finance. “I was fortunate that he said yes, and even more fortunate that 10 years later the board agrees, and we will be appointing him tonight for the superintendency,” she said.
Dr. Lynch emphasized his full commitment to the Lynbrook district and assured the community he will continue to usher the high level of success the district has experienced under Dr. Burak.
Student Sebastian Cuenca was recognized for achieving the high athletic honor of All-State Soccer. He was one of nine selected for the Nassau County boys’ soccer team, led the county on total points and tied for most goals in the county. He is the second Lynbrook High School boy and the third overall soccer player to earn this distinction.
The success of the girls' basketball team has helped Coach Steve LoCicero earn his 100th career victory. He was congratulated by the Superintendent and the board.
Board trustee Andrew Lewner, who serves as the district’s representative for BOCES, shared that BOCES is getting the ball rolling on the budgeting process. More information will be shared after their next meeting.
Trustee Tara Aragona invited residents to the PTA Founders’ Day on Monday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. in the High School auditorium. Dr. Burak will be awarded the first-ever Diamond Award during the ceremony.
Dr. Lynch shared an update on the Food Committee, which is now having a discussion whether to renovate the elementary school cafeterias to enable the integration of a food service. If the renovations are allotted for in the budget and completed, bids for a food service can be sent out. The committee will continue discussions as the feasibility of such renovations is investigated.
Dr. Burak announced the winning project of Project L.I.F.T.O.F.F., which will be sent to the International Space Station for testing on June 7. The winning project is, “How does microgravity and space conditions effect the growth of the wine cap mushroom?” by Jack Murray and Aidan Michaels. Entries for the Mission Patch contest, which will send a patch to the ISS alongside the winning project, are now being developed.
Horizon newspaper, produced at Lynbrook High School, was the winner of several accolades by the Empire State Press Association, including Best Overall Newspaper. Dr. Burak congratulated the entire staff on a job well done.
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Dr. Gerard Beleckas, shared how federal grants have supported various educational endeavors, including additional reading, speech, special education, psychologists, social workers and guidance staff, as well as the BOCES Central Nassau Guidance Program, the ESY Program, the ENL afterschool program, SEL breakfast support in the middle schools and the alternative high school program. The Assessment Weighting-Grading Commission had its second meeting to discuss the goals for assessing Lynbrook students. Goals will be finalized, and grading practices will be discussed at the next meeting.
The Waverly Park Elementary School tennis and basketball court project, which includes pickleball courts, and the renovation to the high school library will begin in the spring. The projects for the North Middle School and Marion Street Elementary School turf fields and playground renovation are being reviewed by the NYS Department of Education.
Mr. Belmont announced sympathy resolutions for Evelyn Solon, who served as a teacher at Waverly Park for 21 years, and Elizabeth O’Donnell, who served as a nurse and teacher at North Middle School for 16 years.
Date Added: 1/13/2023