Waverly Park gets visit from Henry Viscardi School for Spirit Week

People gathered around a large check and smiling thumbnail245549
Students throughout Waverly Park Elementary School in the Lynbrook Public School District have been practicing inclusion and acceptance in celebration of Spirit Week, which focuses on Autism Acceptance Month this year. On April 26, they received a special visit from ambassadors of The Henry Viscardi School.

The Henry Viscardi School services students with disabilities, two of whom made the visit to Waverly Park to speak to classes. Along with disability advocate and coordinator for the Viscardi School Joseph Slaninka, they showed students they can clean, cook, crotchet, play sports and much more with disabilities that require wheelchair assistance. Students asked questions, and select students enjoyed a pizza lunch with their guests. The Waverly Park PTA also presented a donation to the Henry Viscardi Student Council.

The visit coincided with Spirit Week, during which students displayed inclusion through daily themes. On Monday, for example, students wore fun hats to celebrate the magnificent minds of those with autism.

Date Added: 4/27/2023