Lynbrook kindergartners move up to first grade

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Although their earliest years in the Lynbrook School District have come to a close, kindergartners from the Kindergarten Center looked ahead with excitement during their moving up ceremony on June 24.

Families made their pride heard as the soon-to-be first graders gathered on stage wearing a rainbow of mortarboards. Under the guidance of Lauren Behan, kindergartners sang several songs reflecting the bright futures ahead of them, including “Rainbow Connection” by Jim Henson and “Count on Me” by Bruno Mars. In a letter addressed to the graduating class, Principal Ellen Postman looked back on a momentous year.

“Time has seemed to fly by,” she said, “and while I am excited for summer, I sometimes wish for time to slow down just a bit so we could have a little more time together. Yet, I know you are ready to go on to first grade.”

Photo caption:
1) Kindergartners trekked from the Kindergarten Center to the neighboring Lynbrook High School for their moving up ceremony on June 24.
2) Soon-to-be first graders were ready to perform on stage.
3) Kindergarten classes wore different colors of the rainbow.

Photos courtesy Lynbrook Public Schools


Date Added: 6/26/2024