Lynbrook UFSD Reopening Plan 2020



  • To establish possible structures and schedules for hybrid learning experiences, formal SEL supports, and universal mental health check-ins
  • To review management needs such as: livestreaming and video recording; traveling devices; professional development; limiting and/or eliminating shared materials and equipment; logistics for students involved in BOCES CTE, CDOS, CDP, etc.; parameters for physical education, recess breaks, and playgrounds; and locations and procedures for snack and lunch
  • To formalize monitoring student learning and engagement, assessing students, promoting consistency of instruction, differentiating for SWDs and ELLs


Task Actions:

  • Administer surveys to determine community opinions, home needs, and capacity
  • Develop possible student and teacher schedules
  • Decide what instruction looks like in school/at home in the alternating model
  • Devise a plan to address and monitor students’ SEL needs
  • Identify and account for technology needs
  • Create a professional development timeline for teacher, student, and parent technology trainings
  • Draft common expectations for monitoring student learning and engagement, assessing students, promoting consistency of instruction, differentiating for SWDs and ELLs