
North Students Focus on Anti-Bullying Awareness

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Students and staff at Lynbrook North Middle School celebrated No Name-Calling Week from Jan. 27-31 as a mid-year reminder for students to practice kindness and respect. The important week is celebrated across the country by K-12 educators and students to end name-calling and bullying in schools.

Throughout the week, Lynbrook North Middle School students were asked to consider the difference between good-natured teasing and bullying and what they can do if they witness an incident of name-calling or bullying; problems that everyone must help to solve.  

“It may not be your fault that some students bully but if you ignore it, laugh at it or do nothing in response to the bullying that you witness, you may be part of the problem,” said school social worker Sandra Gettenberg. “Being an ally or friend to someone being picked on may feel uncomfortable or scary, but making our school a better place is everyone’s job.”