
Lynbrook high schoolers promote kindness with Marion Street peers

Lynbrook High School students in the Culture Club. thumbnail263205
Lynbrook High School students in the Culture Club. thumbnail263206
Lynbrook High School students in the Culture Club. thumbnail263207
Lynbrook High School students in the Culture Club. thumbnail263208
Lynbrook High School students in the Culture Club. thumbnail263209
Lynbrook High School students in the Culture Club made a trek to Marion Street Elementary School on Dec. 6 to promote kindness through creative activities.

All grades throughout the Marion Street building were joined by their older peers for the student-guided endeavor. To warm up, Marion Street students colored in illustrations that promoted the importance of kind deeds. Each student received a cup of beads in different sizes, styles and colors that were carefully added to a string, resulting in their own unique friendship bracelets. Beads with students’ initials were also handed out by the visiting high schoolers to add another touch of personalization. Marion Street students were thrilled to work with their peers, who make routine visits to the school to host engaging and informative experiences.

Photo caption:
1) Marion Street Elementary School fourth graders Aurora Maguire and Isabella Andon promoted kindness during a visit from their Lynbrook High School peers on Dec. 6.
2) Lynbrook High School Culture Club member Catherine Christakos picked out beads for a friendship bracelet for her peer Chloe Macklin.
3) Students were the “I” in kind, as shown by Rosina Arcella, center, who was joined by Sarah Malinka and Thomas MacLeish.
4) A friendship bracelet came together one bead at a time for Juliette Dominguez.
5) Each bracelet was a unique creation, including those made by Seth Albert and Ryan Salazar.

Photos courtesy of Lynbrook Public Schools