
Mad About Math

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Photo of student solving problem thumbnail89820
The West End Elementary School community recently celebrated their annual Math Night with their theme “Spring Into Math.” Students worked with their family members and peers to complete as many math activities as they could during the evening event. 

Each of the teachers on the Math Night committee created a math game that was interactive and engaging for the students. The teachers modeled the activities and provided the students with directions for the games. 

In addition, students were encouraged to use the school’s computer lab to enhance their problem-solving skills on the Hour of Code. The program consists of a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed for anybody to learn the basics with the goal to broaden participation in the field of computer science.

The students used a variety of critical thinking skills throughout the night and were expected to apply their problem-solving skills. The event also encouraged the students to practice and play the games at home to reinforce their math skills.

“The night was a huge success,” said math lab teacher Chelsea Jaret. “All of the teachers were so proud of the students' hard work.”