
Lynbrook Kindergarten Center Gathers for Thanksgiving Feast

Students Sitting at Their Desks Eating Their Thanksgiving Feast thumbnail207900
Students Sitting at Their Desks Eating Their Thanksgiving Feast thumbnail207901
Students Sitting at Their Desks Eating Their Thanksgiving Feast thumbnail207902
Students Sitting at Their Desks Eating Their Thanksgiving Feast thumbnail207903
Students in the Lynbrook Kindergarten Center in the Lynbrook School District gathered on Nov. 24 for a bountiful Thanksgiving feast.

Kindergarteners — dressed as turkeys, pilgrims and Native Americans — filed into the gymnasium and a classroom which had desks set like tables for dinner, with juice boxes and all. Turkey and more were provided by the Parents Club, and parent volunteers helped hand out food. Children helped prepare stuffing, apple sauce, corn bread and butter.

Before diving in, students raised their juices in a toast to friends, family and food and for a healthy and happy Thanksgiving.